In collaboration with John Sullivan and the company Le Principe d’Incertitude (Pierre Goddard and Liz Santoro) Designing technology...
Sonification of Isadora Duncan’s qualities
In collaboration with Tove Grimstad Bang and Elisabeth Schwartz This research is a long-term collaboration between dancers and...
Visualizing Isadora Duncan’s qualities
In collaboration with Manon Vialle and Melina Skouras and Elisabeth Schwartz We present a new abstract representation of...
Study of AI-Art practice
In collaboration with Baptiste Caramiaux Alongside recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI), a new art practice has emerged...
MoveOn: supporting dance learning through movement decomposition
In collaboration with Jean-Philippe Rivière and Baptiste Caramiaux Our goal is to understand how dancers learn complex dance...
Studying kinesthetics creativity
Research Project Research in the context of the PhD of Stacy Hsueh supervised by Wendy E. Mackay and...
KNOTATION : supporting dance documentation
Research Project Research in the context of the PhD of Marianela Ciolfi Felice supervised by Wendy E. Mackay...
Studying LMA reliability
Research Project Collaboration with Ulysses Bernardet (SIAT – SFU), Karen Studd and Karen Bradley (LIMS), Thecla Schiphorst (SIAT...
Supporting Movement Annotation
Collaboration with : Omid Alemi, Ankit Gupta, Thecla Schiphorst and Philippe Pasquier, Shannon Cuykendal, Kristin Carlson, Jeewon Lee (SIAT –...
Modeling Laban Effort qualities
3D motion Capture + Machine Learning + movement sonification Collaboration with Jules Francoise and Frederic Bevilacqua (IRCAM), Thecla Schiphorst,...
Movement Qualities as Interaction Modality
Interactive Installation- Interactive LED light and 3D motion capture. Creation: Sarah Fdili Alaoui (IRCAM/LIMSI), Baptiste Caramiaux (IRCAM) and Marcos...
Double Skin/Double Mind
Interactive Installation – Interactive video, sound, visuals and motion capture. Collaboration with Emio Greco | PC dance company, Bertha...