Syllabus This course requires m1 students to design, prototype, develop and evaluate an interactive system that will be...

KNOTATION : supporting dance documentation
Research Project Research in the context of the PhD of Marianela Ciolfi Felice supervised by Wendy E. Mackay...
![Radical Choreographic Object [RCO]](
Radical Choreographic Object [RCO]
Participatory Dance Performance Choreography: Sarah Fdili Alaoui (UPSUD, LRI) and Jean Marc Matos (Cie K Danse) Performers (Cie...

Guide pratique de l’usage du corps dans l’espace public
Book / Danced Performance / Video Co-Authors: Rocio Berenguer and Sarah Fdili Alaoui Collaborators: Elise Prigent, Ignacio Avellino, Julien...