Syllabus This course requires students to design, prototype, develop and evaluate an interactive system. Students will work in groups....

Creative Design
Syllabus: Presentation – Creative Design Weekly Readings: This course requires students to read, reflect on a selection of authors’...

Interactive Dance Perfomance / Virtual Reality / Motion Capture Choreography: Thecla Shiphorst Virtual World and Motion Capture: Athomas...

Glass Dance
Networked Virtual Reality + Dance Performance Choreography: Thecla Shiphorst Virtual World and Motion Capture: Athomas Goldberg Music: Prophecy...

Studying LMA reliability
Research Project Collaboration with Ulysses Bernardet (SIAT – SFU), Karen Studd and Karen Bradley (LIMS), Thecla Schiphorst (SIAT...

Supporting Movement Annotation
Collaboration with : Omid Alemi, Ankit Gupta, Thecla Schiphorst and Philippe Pasquier, Shannon Cuykendal, Kristin Carlson, Jeewon Lee (SIAT –...

Modeling Laban Effort qualities
3D motion Capture + Machine Learning + movement sonification Collaboration with Jules Francoise and Frederic Bevilacqua (IRCAM), Thecla Schiphorst,...

Dance Work / Work Dance
Dance Performance/ Exhibition Choreography: Emmalena Fredriksson Dancers: Sarah Fdili-Alaoui, Isabelle Kirouac, Alexa Mardon, Erika Misuhashi, Layla Mrozowski, Deanna Peters, Daisy...

Self + Self Portraits
Large-scale interactive acoustic and performance space. Creation: Sarah Fdili Alaoui and Roxanne Nesbitt Dancer: Alexa Mardon Self and...

9min looping Video Tryptic on 3 Ipads. Creation: Sarah Fdili Alaoui, Thecla Schiphorst and Karen Bradley Editting: Nathan...

Longing + Forgetting
Interactive and generative installation with video avatars mapped to an urban screen. Creation: Matthew Gingold, Thecla Schiphorst, Philippe...

Chiselling Bodies
Interactive Performance with visuals and 3D motion capture. Creation: Sarah Fdili Alaoui (IRCAM/LIMSI) and Marion Cavaillé (Ballet National...

Movement Qualities as Interaction Modality
Interactive Installation- Interactive LED light and 3D motion capture. Creation: Sarah Fdili Alaoui (IRCAM/LIMSI), Baptiste Caramiaux (IRCAM) and Marcos...

Double Skin/Double Mind
Interactive Installation – Interactive video, sound, visuals and motion capture. Collaboration with Emio Greco | PC dance company, Bertha...